
Competitions & Awards Results

The results for the competitions “Best Student Paper Award”,”Young Investigator Competition Award”, “Fraunhofer Best Portuguese MSc Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering”, “Fraunhofer Best Portuguese PhD Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering” and IFMBE Scientific Challenge have been published. For more info visit the following links:Best Student Paper Award results Young Investigator Competition Award results Fraunhofer Best Portuguese MSc Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering results Fraunhofer Best Portuguese PhD Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering results IFMBE Scientific Challenge results


Competitions & Awards Finalists

The finalists for the competitions “Best Student Paper Award”,”Young Investigator Competition Award”, “Fraunhofer Best Portuguese MSc Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering” and “Fraunhofer Best Portuguese PhD Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering” have been announced. For more info visit the following links:Best Student Paper Award finalists Young Investigator Competition Award finalists Fraunhofer Best Portuguese MSc Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering finalists Fraunhofer Best Portuguese PhD Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering finalists